The Yogahealer Podcast L Ayurveda L Yoga L Healthy Foods | Yoga Teachers With Cate Stillman

Urine Therapy and Ayurveda Workshop with Cate Stillman



Human urine is treated as a source of disgust, whereas cow urine is considered alternative medicine. Science has proven that there is less or no difference in between cow and human urine, which makes it evenly healthy for human body. Cate Stillman has enlightened upon the core depth of human urine and its benefits for health. She says that there might be no necessity of consuming pharmaceutical medicines on priority, when you can heal what you have within. She explains in-depth about the upcycling of pee, and utilizing it as a health drink. She elaborates upon the ways you can use or consume it, for better perks to your body. In the path of elaborating the process of pee upcycling, she also breaks down the composition of urine and plasma, that made the entire plot more understandable. With this podcast, she intended to give clarity to people about the health outcomes of self-urine, and make them believe that it is not disgusting. Cate focuses on explaining the detoxification and healing properties of urine th