The Alpha Female Podcast With Robyn Baldwin

AF 035: Chief Alpha Female, New Author, Marketing Manager, Blogger, Alpha Female Podcaster Robyn Baldwin



I call myself an Alpha Female and a Work / Life Harmony Strategist.  I am a full-time Marketing Manager, a fitness/lifestyle blogger, a former CFL cheerleader and fitness competitor, a published fitness model, a freelance writer, a best selling author, a brand ambassador, a networker marketer and a podcaster. I have a passion for fitness. I love running, weight lifting, I’ve taught spin and coached beginner runners. I am also a yogi and has been practicing for over 15 years. I spend the majority of my spare time training for  obstacle course racing. I also call myself an MS Warrior after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December of 2014. I sat down with my first podcast editor Allegra Swanson who interviewed me for the show this week! Ps. You can follow her on Twitter & Instagram at @ayoungvoice!