Lady Plays

Live Episodes (Ep 6) -- PTSD, The Pull of the Moon, Asking For It



Lady Plays Live Episode (Episode 6) -- Live episode produced in collaboration with Letter of Marque Theater Company at Irondale Center in Brooklyn. Post Traumatic Super Delightful by Antonia Lassar, The Pull of the Moon by Paige Zubel, and Asking For It by Ellen Elizabeth Steves. Producers Kate O'Phalen & Lynde Rosario. Directors Angela Dumlao, Leese Walker, Danya Taymor. Actors Kate O'Phalen, Antonia Lassar, Meredith Cody, Jordin Rosin, Terry Greiss, Jeff Kissam, Marie Karcher, Ben Peterson. Sound recording & mixing Sound Haus Audio. Original music Theo Tasker.