Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




Welcome back everyone!  First of all I want to thank you for listening to this podcast.   Today I wanted to make a special reminder here regarding the intro of every single podcast.  "I'm Cristy Code Red, and you're listening to rebel, weight loss, and lifestyle where we believe food has the power to heal or poison. And we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss." I wanted to point that out because every single week I release a new episode and in the Code Red Lifestyle app we have content every single day that to make sure that you are no longer mislead, to make sure that you have everything that you need to be healthy on every level of your life. Now for today's episode I want to ask you why do we as people eat to pass the time? Now at Code Red we do not snack, we do not talk about snacks, it is just not part of the Code Red lifestyle. So if you find yourself wanting to eat to pass the time you might be asking well what can you do? 1. Chew gum 2. Stay hydrated Don't for