Be Fabbo - A Wedding Industry Podcast

49: Heidi Thompson- Creating an Overwhelm Smashing Marketing Plan



Join Bobbi and Heidi Thompson for a deep dive into Creating an Overwhelm Smashing Marketing Plan. Most wedding pros just throw random things at the wall when they try to market but it's actually a lot easier and more effective to create a plan. They talk about what a marketing plan actually is and what it should contain, why it's sooooo helpful for you and will save you from overwhelm, how to use your marketing plan to avoid shiny object syndrome, and how you can create your own effective marketing plan.Heidi Thompson is the best-selling author of Clone Your Best Clients and the founder of Evolve Your Wedding Business where she specializes in business and marketing strategy for wedding professionals. She helps wedding professionals grow their businesses and reach their goals without going crazy in the process. Her business & marketing expertise has been featured on several wedding and business outlets including The Huffington Post, Social Media Examiner, Wedding Business Magazine, Sprouting Phot