Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater



The expression dates back to when indoor plumbing wasn’t a thing and families would share the same bathwater. So, the punchline… By the time they finish bathing the baby, with so many having used the same bathwater, the water would be so murky that one might accidentally “throw the baby out with the bathwater”. It’s a funny expression in the sense that no one would throw out something so precious along with one undesirable thing…ermm…right? Oh WAIT! That’s currently what our society does! Isn’t it common nowadays that when someone we support and follow on social media features something we don’t agree with/believe in, we’re quick to hit the unfollow/unsubscribe button? We’re often quick to judge and we treat “petty” and “different” to be nuances of “intolerable” and “toxic”. Is giving up on your weight loss program (and your health) after having a disagreement with your coach, about foods you should eat, the way to go? You’re probably asking…what’s the alternative? What SHOULD you do? What’re your thoughts on