Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Is Obesity Contagious?



When it comes to health, you want to be certain. Our goal is for people to take their health back from years of abuse due to poor eating habits, poor water consumption and sleep deprivation, among other factors. If we want to achieve that goal, we need people to strongly believe in us. We need people to see that we did the research and put in the work. We built a culture where people look to empirical data, scholarly articles, scientific studies, and credible sources before making decisions that affect health. One such article is from The New England Journal of Medicine where they showcase a study, made by N. A. Christakis, and J. H. Fowler, on the spread of obesity in a large social network over 32 years. Results show that people’s chances of becoming obese increase by 57% if s/he has a friend who is obese in a given interval. Among pairs of adult siblings, there’s a 40% increased chance of one becoming obese if the other is obese. Furthermore, if one spouse is obese, the other has a 37% increased chance of