Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




Today on Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle we are talking about cutting out the noise.   Can you honestly say you remember all that you had before it got so noisy? Don’t you miss ‘em? The peace and serenity? The focus? The sincerity of it all? All of which now seem unprecedented in the face of so much noise! What happened to turning off the radio and TV so we can enjoy a peaceful meal with our families? What happened to giving attention to what matter, like your health and your family? It seems like when technology evolved, it changed the dynamics of consumption. Where we used to consume information, noise now consumes us. It’s a barrage! FB, IG, Tiktok and Twitter posts everywhere! Messenger, Zoom, FaceTime calls left and right. Not to mention all the other websites out there. Oh and of course, TVs and radios still exist. Crazy, right? How you can’t seem to get away from the misinformation, biases and censorship? How private lives aren’t so private anymore? How it’s gotten harder to focus on REAL goals when