Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Don't Sell Your Tomorrow For A Quick Today!



Cut a growing plant today and you’ll miss out on the fruits and the tree. Wasn’t easy planting the seed and waiting for it to rise from the ground, right? You spent time and energy getting it to where it’s at but now you’re willing to chop it down before it has the chance to bear fruit? Who invests a large sum into financial instruments only to cash out for 10 cents on the dollar because they need money for a Steve Madden sale? Who spends time and energy to build a beautiful relationship only to throw it away for a fling following a petty quarrel? Who bothers to lose weight only to start gaining ‘em back because pizza night with the gang is just once a month? Who? Sadly, a lot of us do. Because a lot of us are impatient, lack the discipline, and are fearfully living with a scarcity mindset. Many of us settle for quick feel-good moments today because the future is all but certain. Well, here’s a bit of truth for all of us… Our dreams and goals ARE reachable and they are not simply subject to luck. With patienc