Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Forgetting How Good It Feels



The sun, moon and stars will align for you to shed the weight. But the problem is how often we need them to align because we keep regaining our weight. Yep! Weight loss isn’t the problem. It’s weight regain that’s plaguing our nation. It happens to the best of us! Even coaches, trainers, dieticians, among other health professionals are susceptible to gaining back weight! Often, people become too familiar with having achieved goal weight and they can’t fathom how anything might change that state. They start forgetting to take measurements needed for managing their weight. They become careless and expose themselves to the contagion that is obesity. Others are simply burnt out from the “grind”. Ultimately, people regain weight because they forget or take for granted the great feeling of being healthy and at goal weight. To a lot of us, gathering the strength and courage to persevere towards losing weight takes so much energy. It’s almost always hard at the beginning! The problem becomes apparent when people have