Now Playing: The Superman Movie Retrospective Series

Zack Snyder's Justice League



It was a decisive victory for The Legion of Doom when Warner Bros. executives handed Zack Snyder’s unfinished superhero team-up Justice League to Avengers mastermind Joss Whedon. Internet trolls were not kind to this last-minute attempt to leave the Darkseid behind, and tell jokes at Superman’s wake.  Their aggressive social media campaign has paved the way for the original director to assemble a four-hour cut that promises to fix all the problems in the 2017 release. Find out if Jakob, Stuart, and Arnie have hope again for the DCU.  Listen now! {DC Teams Series}  {DC Comics Series}  {Comic Book Movie Series}  {DC Movie Universe}  {Superman Series}  {Batman Series}  {Wonder Woman Series}  {Flash Series}  {Aquaman Series}