Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




Achilles would probably have lived longer if he protected his heels. Might not have had iron greaves then but he sure could’ve protected this vulnerable spot one way or another, if only he wasn’t too focused on being invulnerable. Depending on the account, some might argue that Paris just got lucky with that arrow to the heel, or Achilles was simply unlucky to have been on the receiving end of Apollo’s anger. What’s this myth got to do with weight loss? Well, the story of Achilles might not have been real but losing everything to complacency is! However fit, healthy, or strong you think you’ve gotten, you CAN lose everything to a single “unlucky” moment when you become complacent. A stroke can come without warning, a spouse might catch you cheating and decide to end your relationship, your business might fall because you became complacent. You CAN regain all the fats, illnesses and disorders, among other physical complications you’ve lost because of a single uninhibited trip to Taco Bell. One trip to your fav