Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Environment is Stronger Than Willpower



Willpower ALWAYS wanes. No one, at any given moment, has an infinite amount of willpower. Willpower is LIMITED. And so, it’s no surprise that environment is stronger than willpower. Because while your willpower comes and goes, environments persist. “Oh OK! I guess there’s not helping it. There’s no other option except to give in to…” We’re going to stop you right there! We never said you have to give in and give up. Despite strong influences of an environment, you ALWAYS have a choice. You can beat the environment when you have the discipline to make the difficult choices. With the right training and the right mindset, YOU CAN obtain the discipline needed to stick to your goals even when the odds are stacked against you. It starts with managing yourself against the environment. It starts with focusing on the things that you can control. It starts with planning ahead and considering all available options instead of letting the environment test your integrity and eventually succumbing to temptations. And these