Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Control What You Can



Our superiority over other living species on earth lies not in our power to control everything but in our free will. When God made humans stewards of His creations, we weren’t given extra comic book superpowers nor omnipotence. He knew that our intelligence coupled with the power to choose were enough for us to perform His will. This fact greatly showed when Noah excellently performed His will. Noah had no control over the flood. What he could control was his response to God’s call. And so he chose to tap into his resources including God’s grace and guidance, his family, and natural resources to build an ark. Noah could’ve chosen to disobey God. He could’ve sulked in despair over the inevitable natural disaster and let the flood consume his family and the creatures he was called to save. BUT he chose otherwise. And that’s the key! There will always be circumstances in our lives and in our weight loss journey that we CANNOT control! But we’re NEVER powerless! Surrendering to trials and tragedies is NOT our onl