The Yogahealer Podcast L Ayurveda L Yoga L Healthy Foods | Yoga Teachers With Cate Stillman

Gut Immune Connection with Dr. Emeran Mayer



Podcast Intro: Immunity refers to an organism's ability to withstand a specific virus or poison through the use of specialized antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. We prefer to sacrifice healthy selections for the sake of saving time in this fast-paced atmosphere where fast foods are abundant. On the other hand, what are the negative consequences of these actions? With many businesses competing with one another, and with the high demand for food relative to the continuous growth in population, companies are now churning out processed and cheap food rapidly. The lack of education and the rise of daily expenses on necessities, such as food, allowed people to compromise. Now, the pandemic accelerated and made things worse. What are the factors and effects that unhealthy food consumption leads to? Tune in as Dr. Emeran Meyer discusses the gut-immune relationship in this episode. What you’ll get out of tuning in: What is the “One Health Concept” What is the importance of the soil microbiome for plant and h