Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

It Never Gets Easier



“For every person who has something, more will be given; but those who have ‘nothing’, what little they have will be taken away”. This powerful passage, part of the Parable of The Coins from the book of Luke, remains relevant today! The number of coins and servants differ from one version of the Bible to another, but the lesson remains the same: Each of us are given the gifts. Those who strive to invest these gifts will be rewarded, while those who take ‘em for granted, those who remain in constant fear of scarcity, and those lazy enough to waste opportunities away are stripped of what little they have. In health, the greatest gift anyone can receive is the gift of “Today”. We’re all given the opportunity to take our lives back today, but most people take this for granted believing there’s always tomorrow, until there isn’t. Will you be the one to start your weight loss journey today so you can reap the benefits of better health tomorrow or will you keep putting it off until your health plummets? Will you put