Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Our word of the year: COMEBACK!



It’s time we recognize that we owe ourselves a round of applause for making it to today! In spite of the hardships brought about by the pandemic, changes in politics, rising costs of living, among other environmental factors that pile on top of the daily challenges we face… You are here today, alive and kicking, reading this post, and wondering what this will boil down to… And for that, dear Rebels, you deserve to be applauded! YOU’re still standing. YOU made it to today. And YOU have the potential for an awesome COMEBACK story! The whole world has suffered long enough, and we believe it’s time we all made a comeback! Though we’ve made it this far, it wasn’t without scars and bruises. Most of us have taken steps back from our goals pertaining to different aspects of our lives. But none of these let us off the hook. Despite poor decisions and harsh circumstances in the past, we all deserve to take back our lives and move forward, together! But where does it all begin? We’ll give you a hint! Step 1 is identifyi