Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

I'll be happy when...



There is a strong underlying idea that we can’t be happy until we accomplish something. It might be a degree, a new job, a better body or the perfect relationship. And it’s not only tangible achievements like these. We also have the idea that we must reach certain levels of mental and spiritual attainment before we can be happy. The problem with this viewpoint is that it keeps us stuck in the same cycle of “I’ll be happy when…” We keep putting off our happiness for another day — for when we get that thing — and in the meantime, we become frustrated, stressed and unfulfilled. This mentality keeps us from doing the things we want to do for fear of not doing them perfectly or achieving them perfectly or being ready for them. And at the same time, those who do achieve their goals often find themselves still feeling empty inside because they never stopped to ask themselves what they wanted out of life beyond just achieving these goals. How many times have you delayed getting to goal weight? Once you do achieve goa