Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Where The Rubber Meets The Road



In pursuit of weight loss, where the rubber meets the road is in the kitchen, and the dining table, and the buffet line. It’s in food choices and health habits that you either win or lose. And in order to make the right choices, there’s a need to KNOW and Understand. That’s why we’re here to put a stop to the “What you don’t know won’t hurt” mentality. Because what you don’t know CAN and WILL hurt your body! Nutritional Values, Metabolic Markers, Chemical Reactions in the body, and consequences of making poor choices are just some of the things we highly consider when creating weight loss programs. But that’s not the End-All-Be-All… Code Red is a LIFESTYLE! Knowledge requires action. We're about putting science and information to practice! Knowing the caloric content of burgers and burritos don’t get you to goal weight…choosing to EAT real food, DRINK lots of water, and get enough SLEEP, does! However, we understand that in our journey to goal weight, things can be easier said than done, especially when a cer