Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Focusing on the Right Process to Grow Your Business - (Episode 76)



Jaime Jay returns to Today’s Business Leaders to talk about how things have changed in the past year, what he would do differently if he had it all to do over again, how Gabe’s influence has impacted his business and what the future holds.Maintaining FocusThese days Jaime is fully focusing on his business, Bottleneck Virtual Assistants. Last time he visited the show, Jaime was in transition. He was in the process of letting go of one business in order to go full in on his new company, Bottleneck Virtual Assistants. While Jaime felt this was the right decision, it was still frightening to let go of the financial security that his initial business offered.Fine-Tuning the ProcessAs he has set up his new business, Jaime has learned firsthand that getting the right processes in place makes the day-to-day operations so much easier. “Implementing all of these different things and getting the company set up correctly is a big deal. I’ve had plenty of time to fail and fall flat on my face and say sure, let’s just do t