Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Out With The Old



Achieving good health starts with creating space where there was none before. We’re talking about understanding that our reality involves Mutually Exclusive Events – things that cannot coexist at the same TIME and SPACE! For example…you can’t be running and walking at the same time. You can’t be turning left and right, or moving forward and backwards at the same time. People can argue that it’s a matter of perspective. But from your viewpoint – the perspective that matters most in YOUR life – which direction are you headed and how fast are you going? There’re tons of mutually exclusive events in our lives, an important one being: you CAN’T be unhealthy AND healthy at the same time! For one to exist, the other has GOT to GO! Simply put… When it comes to health and weight loss, we have to let go of some things – food, clothes, habits, and even people – in order to accommodate the “NEW YOU” that you desire. You want… To lose weight? Say goodbye to old eating habits that got you fat. A healthy body? Bid farewell