Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Rejecting What Is "Normal"



Normal is NOT always what SHOULD BE. The idea of being normal is one that has been deeply ingrained in our minds. We have been conditioned to believe that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. But what is normal? How do we define it? Is it what the majority of people think, or a set of rules which society has dictated over time? “Boys will be boys.” “Nice girls don't.” “Girls take care of their weight because they need to be attractive.” “Boys can be fat and still get a girl.” Should girls really work on their weight for aesthetics? Is it okay for boys to be fat? Shouldn’t the point of taking care of one’s body, regardless of sex or gender, be for health? We’ve got to think about these things… Just because something’s normal in the eyes of many, doesn’t mean it’s RIGHT thing to do. This is especially true when it comes to health and wellness! Shouldn't we all encourage healthy behaviors instead of shunning those who are trying to improve themselves in whatever way possible? Doesn't it make more s