Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

The First Round Is Always The Hardest



Finding a way around the difficulty of the first round is futile… BUT getting started and moving towards the healthy body you deserve is not! The first round will ALWAYS be hard BUT it gets EASIER! It’s always the same, whether in boxing, in learning how to ride a bike or drive a car, in getting acquainted with your office’s culture, even in meeting new people and building relationships, and most especially in weight loss. The difficulty is not for lack of experience. None of us were born knowing what we know now. Before any of us could run, we all had to (literally) take baby steps. Taking those first steps…was it difficult? Of course! Our bones and muscles had to form and support our weight. Our motor skills had to develop. Our bodies needed to find our balance. It was probably difficult for our parents too, watching us fall down again and again. Yet here we are today, making our parents, family, and friends proud. Learning. Knowing. Doing. Succeeding. Rinsing and repeating. Weight loss shouldn’t be anythin