Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

It Doesn't Matter What You Know



Nobody losses fat by reading books... Or watching videos on weight loss. Or going to weight loss conventions. People lose weight by taking action! We're not about to downplay the part that knowledge plays in weight loss. Getting to goal weight means taking the RIGHT kinds of actions, and knowledge will TELL you what those are. Nope, going to the gym and sweating it out non-stop IS NOT the right action (at least not for weight loss). You can be physically active and still be overweight at the same time! What you need: REAL Food, Water AND Sleep! "HAHA! Joke's on you, I know that!" - but do you? “Yes, I’ve been listening/watching/reading all the free information that CodeRed has to offer! I have everything I need to lose weight!” – and so, why haven’t you? It's hard to tell because even with all that knowledge, you seem to still be lugging around excess weight that we should've gotten off of you months/seasons/years ago... Or maybe you already lost the weight, yet here we are. It doesn't matter what you know...