Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Not Everyone Wants Your Help



People may not respond to one truth but may respond to another. Put a frog in a steel pot with cool water and it’s going to stay there, almost still. Place the pot over the stove and turn up the heat. Seeing the frog’s predicament, you know it’s going to need your help, but that frog’s not going to try to get itself out until the water heats up to an uncomfortable temperature. Isn’t that how it is with most people? We can see they're in dire need of losing excess weight, but until they start feeling the need to help themselves, they’re not going to want help. No matter what you say, even the truth about obesity, if people choose not to hear you out, there’s just no convincing them! We’re not asking you to give up on your loved ones, rather, we’re asking you to acknowledge that there are other truths that may garner positive responses… Like the truth about needing time and space to figure things out for themselves. Or the truth that there’s someone else better suited to help them. And so, we offer them these!