Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Everyone Leaves Their Mark



In the grander scheme of things, we’re all uniquely gifted to serve a purpose – the best way we can positively impact others! Basically, everything on earth (even the most mundane of things, like a rock or a shrub) was made to serve a purpose. We are no exception to this! Some are called to become world-class performers and entertainers, teachers and coaches, or entrepreneurs and inventors. For others, it’s simpler (but NOT less important) like being a parent, a son or daughter, or a friend. Each of our unique purposes are meant to contribute to a higher purpose: for all life to thrive and prosper! In finding that purpose, you stand to gain the LIFE YOU TRULY DESIRE! In CodeRed, we’re fortunate enough to be able to serve our communities as teachers who educate others about living a healthy lifestyle, and as warriors fighting against the plague that is obesity (and all diseases it entails). Full disclosure!!! None of us here knew exactly, from the very beginning, what our TRUE PURPOSE was. We had to discover,