Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Do The Next Right Thing



Age old question: “If practice makes perfect and yet no one can be perfect, why practice?” We’ve found that even a seemingly ridiculous and sarcastic question can bring the most powerful of lesson! From big groups like political administrations, business leadership and school councils, down to us individuals, we’re all prone to making wrong choices. Wars have broken out, civilizations crumbled, lives lost, and yet here we are, humans who keep on going! Because NEWS FLASH!!! Wrong choices DON’T have to be the last ones anyone makes! Understand that “perfection” isn’t what’s being asked of us… We’re asked to do our best, give our all, and keep going, for a BETTER FUTURE. And often, the “Best” is fruit of doing the NEXT RIGHT THING! This applies to many aspects of our lives, including Health and Weight Loss! Like children rebuilding sandcastles lost to the waves, we’re asked to take back our lives with creativity, willingness, eagerness, and with a big smile. What’s done is done. Wrong choices have been made. Yo