Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




Fight-or-flight response is an evolutionary survival mechanism that’s wreaking havoc in our lives today, and most of us don’t even realize it! It is a primitive reaction that triggers the release of hormones and other chemicals in the body to help us respond to a perceived threat, whether real or imagined. Basically, it’s genetic instructions that tell us to run when we can and fight only as a last resort. What’s troubling is that this crude mechanism, though still applicable in today’s settings, is causing us more harm than good. Because we’re not meant to simply survive...we all NEED to THRIVE! Here’s where it gets tricky: it seems like most of us will keep running away from living a healthy lifestyle until they no longer can, at which point, “fighting” is no longer an option. Why run from healthy living? It’s because most of us have grown accustomed and comfortable with eating junk food, drinking alcohol, and getting little to no sleep – to the point where real food, water and sleep have become “threatenin