Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Addicted To Being BUSY



Sometimes, the best thing anyone can do for themselves is to sit still and do nothing. HO HO HO! We can smell ‘em keyboard warriors rearing to smack us with some self-righteous ideals from miles away! There’s bound to be someone who’ll read this and say, “that’s just lazy!” Or maybe something along the lines of, “not everyone’s a privileged schmuck who can afford to bum around…”. We can’t blame them because in the context of the recent/on-going pandemic, where a lot of people lost their livelihood, telling someone to “sit still” just seems so inconsiderate, maybe even offensive. And so, we’re obliged to extend the context… When was the last time you made time for yourself? When was the last time you considered the state of your HEALTH above things like work and responsibilities? A heck load of people have become so addicted to being BUSY to the point where they’ve NEGLECTED the truly important things like health and family. And for what? There’s this mentality that success equates to hustling and grinding, ov