Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

The Shocking Results of Getting Organized



Did you know that most stress you incur is caused by one specific stress you have to proactively get rid of? You probably have been so stressed about not having enough time to rest and do the things you love doing, like spending time with your family, taking art classes, going on vacations, getting your hair and nails done, or reading your favorite books. That stress can easily branch out to so much more! With so “little time” on your hands to get your job done, you tend to render overtime at the office. That leads to not getting enough sleep. That causes you to get moody and have unwarranted spats with your spouse. Stress from that brings you to poor eating habits that lead to obesity and diseases that bring…you get the point. Before you conclude that TIME is the problem… You need to know that other people have the same 24 hours on their hands and have similar responsibilities to yours, yet they manage to stay on top of stress! And the secret to that may just be right under your nose! Getting rid of the root