Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Unexpected Miracle



Is someone listening? The question a lot of us are always eager to ask but reluctant to hear the answer. Because what if no one is listening? If we can easily be offended when we’re talking to a friend while s/he is lazily scrolling on her/his phone, what more when we’re desperate for help and no one seems to return our call?! Maybe you’re an entrepreneur trying to market your product to an audience, or a mom yelling for someone to take the laundry out the dryer because you’re busy cooking, or an obese person praying for a chance to take your life back… You want to know if someone’s listening but you’re afraid to know there’s no one there. Well, there’s ALWAYS someone listening! But even in times there aren’t any other people around, remember that there’s always YOU who has the power to choose the outcome of your life. You can’t control everything BUT change what you can. Be accountable for what you know and take action! If no one is listening to your spiels, change the spiel or change your product! If no one