Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Old Dog, New Tricks



Change isn’t the enemy. Advancements in technology and other fields aren’t inherently good nor bad! It’s what we make of these changes that matter. And so why should we stop ourselves from experiencing and leveraging these in order to better our lives? It’s stubbornness that’s the true enemy. Stuck in our old ways, we leave so many opportunities on the table! We need to understand that when an opportunity – to improve our quality of life, to thrive – presents itself, it’s up to us to embrace the change. But we can count on stubbornness to put up a fight. Accepting change won’t be always easy, especially when change comes in quick succession. Change can be overwhelming. We might have to put in the work in order to keep up, but that’s no excuse to throw opportunities down the drain. In any aspect of life, especially in health and wellness, throw out what no longer serves your purpose. Throw out what no longer makes you happy. Make way for the new things that will send you in a direction of better! Still think e