

Podcast Intro:  A lot of people experience Weight Creep, a phase where we suddenly gain weight, and they find it hard to reverse the effects. Some just accept while others are determined to fight the weight gain. It’s easy to think that Intermittent fasting, working out, and proper dieting is the solution to weight creep. But what if there is an underlying layer to the issue of gaining weight?  In this episode, Cate will talk about Weight Creep, what is going on with the body when gaining weight, and why it is a big deal. What you’ll get out of tuning in:  How to fight weight gain How to fight hunger while fasting How to prevent dysmetabolism How long you should do intermittent fasting How to find the root of why you are gaining weight Links/CTA: If you want to start intermittent fasting, go to Highlights: Cate says that weight creep is chronic inflammation. The body is in a constant state of high alert and