Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Taking A Break From Caring



With your mind sitting helplessly on the gutter, you’ve already lost the war. We’re not just talking about the war against obesity, but also all other conflicts we face in our day to day lives! Think about all the times you’ve raised two middle fingers to the world and said, “screw it”! (You probably said something worse!) It wasn’t the end of the world because here you are, reading this post and looking for a way out. And yet for a single moment that lasted far longer than you desired, you decided everything was futile. Why is that? What’s truly going on?! Our theory? Maybe you didn’t agree with what you HAD TO DO. Possibly, you didn’t like how you were told to do something. Or perhaps you feared that in the course of taking necessary action, you’d miss out on other “opportunities”. And so, you opted to not give a rat’s ass about the demands of society and of life, and decided to do things YOUR WAY – regardless if it’s the right or wrong way. Only you get to decide and figure out the root cause of your suffe