Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Knockout The Lies



The world is already full of lies, but none of those need to come from you... Because lies that come from ourselves are the hardest to overcome. Someone outside you tells you you're fine, but you know you're not, so you dismiss it because you know it's not true. However, the moment you tell yourself you “feel” fine, even at 80lbs overweight and battling six different chronic conditions, the lie becomes much harder to ignore. The longer you entertain the lie, the more “real” it feels, until you can no longer distinguish it from the truth. And that’s when tragedy strikes! People typically act on truths. With false beliefs at the helm, we alter our actions and responses to enable those beliefs, to the detriment of our REAL goals. Maybe you’re sick, overweight and hurting all over. But in believing that these problems are just figments of your imagination, or "not that big of a deal," you deny yourself much needed solutions. So, ask yourself… Are you truly OKAY? Or is there a better life that you ought to be livi