Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Wherever You Go, There You Are.



Being unhappy is a baggage you keep choosing to lug around. No matter where you go, whom you’re with and what’s happening around you, you are where you are – with the same crap you choose to lug around. Problem is you never seem to be the one to blame for your own pain and suffering… It’s your age. It’s your knees. It’s the host, the food they chose to prepare, the peer pressure, and the list goes on! That’s why you’re sad, why you’re binge-eating, why you’re sick and tired and overweight…but still carrying that baggage. And after a long day of whining and cussing at the wretched life you currently have, you hit the hay, only to wake up the next day for another bout with yesterday’s tragedy. “When does it stop”, you wonder. When you stop lugging around your baggage – insecurities, negative self-talk, constant self-doubt, hesitance in taking responsibility for your own happiness! Stop, even just for a moment, to think about how you have the power to make yourself happy! In Code Red, we believe in your power! Y