Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Addicted To Comfort



Behind the mockery is some form of truth that should hurt. Forget about the name-calling. Never mind getting called a “ninny”. What you really should be sensitive about is why all the jeering keep getting on your nerves! Is it the person making fun of you that’s causing you to get all hyped? Is it their choice of words? Or maybe it’s the truth behind the mockery – the uncomfortable truth you keep denying!? Honestly, haven’t we become “pansies”, even just a little, now that we’ve got so much technology and innovations making our lives “easier”? Don’t we whine more, for less (hassle and stress), now that we’ve become too addicted to comfort? It’s worth examining our lives to see how much we’ve held ourselves back in favor of comfort. You used to embrace the grind, loved learning new things, enjoyed exploring fresh ideas, and gave a damn about your health… But now, you can’t be bothered to pick up a book, clean and organize your home, chase your dreams or eat healthy – basically anything that’s borderline “troub