Pilgrim Story Hour

22. CHANNELING February 10, 2013



This channeling is dedicated to the pilgrims, walking the outer and inner journeys: "A canvas of light and stars illuminate the way, leaving all reason behind. The travelers wend their way, guided by the stars and the hope that they hold and promise. Never would they have imagined the life they are leading, the journey they had embarked upon, and the absolute faith in these brilliant objects to always lead them to what they needed. They are pilgrims of faith, following the omens, seeing the unseen and touching the sacred. ... Their hearts are open wide for the world to see. They share their love and healing freely. They seem imbued by a special magic that expands them and all those on the path. Servants of the Light. Pilgrims of the Timeless. Masters of the Light. Children of Love. They are described many ways, and their ways are many. They are on this Earth, rooted here, but their gaze and their hearts are heaven-bound." Buen camino! ~Mony * * * #monydojeiji #walkingforpeace #channelings #chan