Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Controlling For The Variables



You'll never get the weight off if you can't manage your impulses in the moment. I get it. You're at a party and everyone's eating "what they want, when they want." You feel like you're missing out because you aren't eating the same thing at the same time as other people at the party. But by showing restraint in that moment, you're also moving closer to your goal of getting this freaking weight off. Remember that the ability to delay gratification is a trait successful people share, and just because you feel an impulse to eat something in the moment doesn't mean you have to act on it. There will always be another pizza, another bottle of wine, another can of soda, and another bag of chips. You've had them before, you know what they taste like, and they've done you no favors. So control the variables, control the food in your house, control the situations you put yourself in. Find a way to not be in the situation that could lead to a bad decision for your health and your weight. Not every single variable is un