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Emotional Inflammation in a Crazy World on a Sacred Planet with Dr. Lise Van Susteren



Podcast Intro: When it comes to climate change, we've all heard about droughts and flooding and the impact on agriculture and infrastructure from extreme weather events such as hurricanes. However, we may not hear as much about climate change's physical and mental health consequences. Natural disasters can negatively impact health and emotional well-being. People who are affected by extreme weather events and slow-moving disasters, such as droughts, face a wide range of challenges in their lives. Mental health repercussions of climate change events include mild stress and anguish, high-risk coping behaviors such as increased alcohol use, and occasionally mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. Lise Van Susteren is an expert on climate change's physical and psychological impacts. She earned her Ph.D. in Geography at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, and has been researching climate change since 2007. She has written several books on the subject, including T