Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

She Was Over 400 Pounds



Are you ready for an incredible message of hope and healing? If you have ever struggled with your weight get ready to hear a success story from one of our Code Red Rebels, Christine.   Christine has struggled with her weight her entire life and before she started down the journey of healing she weighed herself at 418 pounds and was truly afraid of the scale and miserable in her life.  Everything was hard, just trying to do simple things that many people are able to do with no problems was hard.  Walking a block was hard, rolling over in bed was hard, literally everything was hard. As of recording this podcast Christine has lost over 125 pounds since joining the Code Red community. She has family that are big but this is no longer an excuse. She has had health issues due to her weight but this is no longer an excuse.  People might think it is tough to be on Code Red food plan but the truth is being overweight is what is restrictive. A fun question that was asked was in this episode was "how did you even find C