Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Board Game of the Daleks



"Time of the Daleks" Tabletop AdventureLet's play a game!The "Doctor Who" franchise offers many ways for Whovians to live out their own adventures in time and space at home - one of those is Gale Force Nine, Inc.'s "Time of the Daleks" board game. Jessica and Phillip start off as Doctors and must race against the Daleks to arrive on Gallifrey? Will they beat the Doctor's enemy? How many times will they regenerate? How often will they have to stop and read the directions??? (Don't worry, we edit those parts out.) Let us know if you've played and how it turned out.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple look at the re-creation of "Mission to the Unknown" by the students and staff of the University of Central Lancashire. Check out their efforts here: https://bit.ly/3izEujk