Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 12 - Not-Scrooge and His Merry Fish



"A Christmas Carol" DiscussionNothing says Christmas Day like a "Doctor Who" Christmas special! Despite it being the "off season," Jessica and Phillip jump into the 11th Doctor's first special, "A Christmas Carol." It's a Whovian-spin on the classic Charles Dickens' tale, featuring time travel, memories changing, singing to fish, several Frank Sinatra references, and a bittersweet ending. Guest stars Sir Michael Gambon and Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins make memorable appearances, thereby marking this special a must-watch annual holiday Doctor Who tradtion.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple travel to the Doctor's first Christmas episode airing, with "The Feast of Steven," the seventh episode of the 12-episode serial "The Daleks' Master Plan." The First Doctor, Steven (oddly enough...), and Katarina stumble their way through pratfalls and mistaken idenity in this holiday panto.What is your favorite "Doctor Who" Christmas special?