Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Don't postpone JOY



"Well, when we just pay off the house, then I'll be happy and allow myself to feel happy." "When the kids graduate high school, when the baby is potty trained, when I lose this 50 pounds..." "When my husband stops drinking, when my wife stops nagging me, then I can have joy in my life." Any of that sound familiar? Because that kind of thinking is where a lot of people have trapped themselves. They wait for outside circumstances to "fix themselves," and in the meantime, stay miserable. You DON'T have to live that way, but waiting on things to "fix themselves" won't make you happy. If you're unhappy right now, about anything - your weight, your finances, your relationships, your health, politics (couldn't resist, haha) - then make sure you check out this week's new podcast...and get what you need to allow yourself some joy. (It might even help your weight loss...because your mind can stall your weight, too. We see it a lot.) Catch this week's new episode in the Code Red network, on YouTube, or by searching Rebe