Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




I grew up in a part of Idaho called Grangemont, and while working on our ranch every summer, I’d sweat for hours while taking care of the livestock, then get a headache that lasted for hours. What's funny about that is that we'd get up at dawn to the smell of fresh coffee, and I couldn't wait to sip my coffee...but I didn’t think about drinking water until way later in the day! By the time I finally did, I was so thirsty I could barely stand up, and my head throbbed like someone was jamming knives into my temples. Interestingly, our farm animals were smarter than most humans when it comes to getting their water in. We never had to pester the chickens to drink from their self-watering can, or the horses to gulp from their trough. After I grew up, left home, and went searching for a career, it became even easier to skip drinking water in favor of coffee, Diet Coke, and other beverages. It wasn’t until I began studying nutrition that I learned the value of drinking enough water. Knowing what I know now, I wish I