Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




After recently being asked "how are you?" by someone who didn't wait to hear me answer, I thought about how often I’ve been asked "how are you?" over the years; and of those times, how few people who asked actually wanted my real answer (or any answer at all). "How are you?" is one of those canned phrases most people say to be polite, not because they actually wanna know how you are. (Try telling a total stranger how you actually are after they ask just to be polite, and you'll see what I mean!) I’ve come to HATE some of these canned much so I made an entire podcast episode about them to shine a light on why they're diluting our ability to truly connect with others (and, in the case of certain ones, negatively impacting your ability to get and keep the weight off). To hear what they are, and what you can say instead, tune into this week's new podcast episode. Search Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle on your favorite podcast app, or on YouTube. You can also watch the episode in the Code Red networ