Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Do Yourself a Favor and Forgive



I really like listening to Joyce Meyer. If you know any of her story, you know she experienced childhood incest for 15 years at the hands of her own biological father. Yet she was, eventually, able to forgive him. (It doesn't make what he did okay, it just means she decided to stop letting what happened make her miserable.) Cari and I suffered abuse in childhood (not from our parents - it was someone else), and I was physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by my first husband. We've both had other rotten things happen in our lives, too. But eventually we learned that harboring the bitterness of unforgiveness in your body and soul is actually a sort of trap, in that it damages YOU, not the person who hurt you. We've forgiven the people who abused us, because it made us sick not to, same as Joyce Meyer. So what does all this have to do with losing weight and keeping it off? Simple. After nearly 30 years in this industry, I've learned time and time again that a lot of people who battle obesity are holding t