Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




I spent almost eight years as a professional boxer, fighting at 154 pounds. And I kept and maintained that weight for years during my boxing career. Then I retired from boxing and took up elite level road cycling in 2010, and things began to change. Even riding my bike for hundreds of miles some weeks, my weight shot up by 20 pounds. Plus, my skin was ashy and my gut was hanging out, and I really didn’t feel good. Here I was, doing ALL this exercising, yet not only was I not maintaining my weight (much less losing weight), I was getting fat! It didn't make ANY sense! What was I doing wrong?? I'd been taught that you HAVE to exercise to lose weight, yet here I was, the fittest I'd ever been, but also the FATTEST I'd ever been! This experience is what finally taught me the TRUTH about exercise and weight loss. And in this week's new podcast, I'm revealing what no one in this industry talks about when it comes to the role exercise plays in weight loss. If you've never heard me talk about this, you cannot afford