Bottle Crow Reborn

Bottle Crow Reborn Episode 161 – Battle Owl



"Ehhh... captain? Puppey?" hazarded Resolut1on, approaching the Monitor's Bane hesitantly. Team Secret's captain didn't look up from his copy of Sun Tzu's Art of Laning. "Reso. What's on your mind?" Resolut1on shuffled his feed. "I, uh... well. I've been hearing some of the... stuff. The rumors. You have too, right? About Dota... dying?" "What about it?" Puppey flipped a page. "Things die, Reso. All we need is to be in a position to profit from it." "Yes, uh... yes. You're... you're exactly right, captain. But I was... I was wondering. They. They say you save strats, right? Like, when Secret loses the International... they say it's because you're saving strategies. For the, uh, Intergalactic." A cruel smile played across Puppey's face, then faded like it was never there. "They do. They do say that. And?" "Uh... I mean, if that were... if that were TRUE, Captain Puppey, sir... I...?" Puppey looked up, seeming annoyed. "Out with it, Roman. What?" Roman "Resolut1on" Fominok swallowed. "Wh