Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Our Personal Survival Holiday Tips



Christmas is my favorite time of year. I put up Christmas decorations earlier than almost anyone I know. I love the presents, the trees, the snow, the music, the lights, and the birth of Jesus. Why I don't love is how much attention FOOD gets. No, I'm not against having food during holiday celebrations. But look at the state of our country's health, and it's clear that we emphasize food way more than is good for us. Instead of thriving during the holidays, we're often just trying to survive them. And that can feel even more true when you're on a weight loss journey. What do you do if people drop sweets off at the office to thank you for all the great work you do? How do you respond without feeling rude? Or how about if you get invited to a friend’s Christmas party, and there's an entire table full of off-plan food? What then? In this week's new podcast, Cari and I are gonna help you with these situations and more, by sharing what we personally do to survive the holidays. See, even though we’ve been in mainten